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  • The nun moth is a major pest of conifers and an occasional pest of broadleaf trees in Europe and Asia.…
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    And Then There Were Nun: Trees That Could Be Endangered by a Nun Moth Invasion

  • Sudden oak death is a new disease of trees and plants in the United States and Europe. Although scientists are not certain,…
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    Moving Spore-adically: The Spread of Sudden Oak Death in California Forests

  • The pine shoot beetle is an invasive species in the Great Lakes region of the United States. The pine shoot beetle was brought…
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    Shoot! Foiled Again! Using Chemicals to Discourage the Pine Shoot Beetle

  • Most scientists think that evidence from different studies shows that our global climate is changing in many ways, such as…
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    Where in the World Is Carbon Dioxide? The Potential Impact of Rising Levels of Carbon Dioxide on U.S. Forests

  • Most scientists think that evidence from different studies shows that our global climate is changing in many ways, such as…
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    Where in the World Is Carbon Dioxide? The Potential Impact of Rising Levels of Carbon Dioxide on U.S. Forests (Spanish)

  • Test your knowledge of plants, climate, and weather with a word search.
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    Word Search – Where in the World Is Carbon Dioxide?