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In this article, scientists explore the different ecosystem services provided by prairie potholes such as soil nutrients, absorbing carbon, and…
Fill Those Potholes! Identifying Ecosystem Services of Small Wetlands on the American Prairie
In this article, scientists explore the different ecosystem services provided by prairie potholes such as soil nutrients, absorbing carbon, and reducing soil erosion.
The scientists in this study were interested in comparing the water use efficiency of trees. They wondered if the water…
Streaming Live: How Do Streams Affect How Well Trees Use Water?
The scientists in this study were interested in comparing the water use efficiency of trees. They wondered if the water use efficiency of trees growing away from intermittent and ephemeral...
When pairs of flammulated owls get ready to reproduce, they must find a place to build their nest. They need…
Turn that Radio Down! Tracking the Busy Life of Flammulated Owl Dads
When pairs of flammulated owls get ready to reproduce, they must find a place to build their nest. They need a location convenient to a food supply suitable for baby...
When pairs of flammulated owls get ready to reproduce, they must find a place to build their nest. They need…
Turn that Radio Down! Tracking the Busy Life of Flammulated Owl Dads (Spanish)
When pairs of flammulated owls get ready to reproduce, they must find a place to build their nest. They need a location convenient to a food supply suitable for baby...
The scientists in this study were interested in exploring how the environmental conditions for wildlife species might change as landowners…
Which Wood You Choose? – Forest Landowners’ Selection of Trees for Planting Forests Can Have Different Outcomes
The scientists in this study were interested in exploring how the environmental conditions for wildlife species might change as landowners make decisions about replanting trees after harvesting. The scientists know...
After reading “Turn That Radio Down!,” test your understanding with this word search.
Word Search – Turn That Radio Down!
After reading “Turn That Radio Down!,” test your understanding with this word search.