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Guanica Forest is a tropical dry forest in the southwest corner of Puerto Rico. In 1981, the United Nations recognized it for being one of…
Some Things Will Always Change: Land Use in a Dry Tropical Forest
Guanica Forest is a tropical dry forest in the southwest corner of Puerto Rico. In 1981, the United Nations recognized it for being one of the best examples of a dry tropical forest. The scientists in this...
Guanica Forest is a tropical dry forest in the southwest corner of Puerto Rico. In 1981, the United Nations recognized it for being one of…
Some Things Will Always Change: Land Use in a Dry Tropical Forest (Spanish)
Guanica Forest is a tropical dry forest in the southwest corner of Puerto Rico. In 1981, the United Nations recognized it for being one of the best examples of a dry tropical forest. The scientists in this...
When a society decides to set aside areas of land as wilderness, it makes a choice about the value of…
Speak-o-logical: Defining and Measuring the Ecological Value of Wilderness
When a society decides to set aside areas of land as wilderness, it makes a choice about the value of those lands. In the United States, people have decided that...
Test your knowledge on adaptation, climate, and native organisms.
Word Search – Some Things Will Always Change
Test your knowledge on adaptation, climate, and native organisms.