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  • Although scientists know that many weeks of low rainfall increase the chances of wildfires, they do not know which daily…
  • Although scientists know that many weeks of low rainfall increase the chances of wildfires, they do not know which daily…
  • Slab avalanches are the most dangerous kind of avalanche. A slab is a layer of new snow sitting on top…

    Excuse Me While I Flow My Snows: What Makes An Avalanche Happen?

  • Slab avalanches are the most dangerous kind of avalanche. A slab is a layer of new snow sitting on top…

    Excuse Me While I Flow My Snows: What Makes An Avalanche Happen? (Spanish)

  • The scientists in this study wanted to answer two questions: (1) How many people in the United States are projected…

    Pack to Back: Investigating Backpacking and Other Backcountry and Wilderness Activities

  • Soil erosion and sedimentation reduce the diversity of the natural environment. When soil is eroded and sedimentation occurs, important nutrients…

    Should Ditches be Graded? Testing Unpaved Roads with a Computer Program

  • Soil erosion and sedimentation reduce the diversity of the natural environment. When soil is eroded and sedimentation occurs, important nutrients…

    Should Ditches be Graded? Testing Unpaved Roads with a Computer Program (Spanish)

  • In many places where martens live, trees are harvested for wood products, leaving martens with an environment very different from…

    There Goes the Neighborhood: The Disruption of American Marten Habitat

  • In many places where martens live, trees are harvested for wood products, leaving martens with an environment very different from…

    There Goes the Neighborhood: The Disruption of American Marten Habitat (Spanish)

  • One job of wilderness managers is to teach people how to behave when they visit a wilderness area. One of…

    What Is the Impact of the Impact Monster? Evaluating Environmental Education Programs

  • One job of wilderness managers is to teach people how to behave when they visit a wilderness area. One of…

    What Is the Impact of the Impact Monster? Evaluating Environmental Education Programs (Spanish)

  • Test your knowledge on wildfire, intensity, and humidity.

    Word Search – Dew It!