Weather & Climate

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  • Deborah Finch, Research Wildlife Biologist

    Weather & ClimateWildlife
    Front cover of Dr. Deborah Finch Collector Card
    • Ph.D., University of Wyoming – Laramie
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A wildlife biologist studies living organisms such as birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians and their habitats, their life history, population changes, and movement patterns.
  • Chris Swanston, Climate Adaptation Specialist

    Forests & PlantsWeather & Climate
    Front cover of Dr. Chris Swanston Collector Card
    • Ph.D., Oregon State University
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • I help natural resources professionals consider how to change the management of ecosystems to address the challenges of a changing climate.
  • Carolyn Hunsaker, Ecologist

    Forests & PlantsSoilWaterWeather & ClimateWildlife
    Front cover of Dr. Carolyn Hunsaker Collector Card
    • Ph.D., University of California
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • An ecologist studies the relationship of living things with the living and nonliving environment.  I study the forest vegetation, soils, climate, air quality, stream organisms, and water quantity and quality.
  • Laurie Stroh Huckaby, Dendroecologist

    Forests & PlantsWeather & Climate
    Front cover of Ms. Laurie Stroh Huckaby Collector Card
    • M.S. Forest Ecology, Colorado State University
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A dendroecologist uses tree rings to reconstruct climate, disturbances (including human land use), and other factors that influence tree growth.
  • Cathryn H. Greenberg, Research Ecologist

    FireForests & PlantsWeather & ClimateWildlife
    Front cover of Dr. Cathryn H. Greenberg Collector Card
    • Ph.D., University of Florida
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • As a research ecologist, I study the effects of forest management and natural disturbances on plants and animals.
  • Michael Gavazzi, Biological Scientist

    FireForests & PlantsWeather & Climate
    Front cover of Mr. Michael Gavazzi Collector Card
    • M.S., Virginia Tech
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A biological scientist is a jack of all trades.  I work with other researchers in diverse disciplines to study forest ecosystems response to prescribed burning, climate change, and natural and man-made disturbance.
  • Katherine J. Elliot, Forest Ecologist

    Forests & PlantsWaterWeather & Climate
    Front cover of Dr. Katherine J. Elliot Collector Card
    • Ph.D., University of Maine
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A forest ecologist studies interactions among plants, animals, energy, water, and nutrients.  A forest ecologist also studies how all of these things relate to patters and processes in forest ecosystems.
  • Andrezej Bytnerowicz, Ecologist

    Forests & PlantsWeather & Climate
    Front cover of Dr. Andrezej Bytnerowicz Collector Card
    • Ph.D., Silesian University, Katowice, Poland
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • As an ecologist, I monitor and evaluate the impacts of air pollution and climate change on forests and other ecosystems.
  • Julie A. Arnold, Forestry Technician

    Forests & PlantsSoilWaterWeather & Climate
    Julie A. Arnold, Forestry Technician front cover card
    • B.S., Clemson University
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • As a forestry technician in the research field, my work is a balance of field work (i.e., collecting samples, taking measurements, and downloading dataloggers), lab work (i.e., sample preparation and analysis), and data processing (i.e., creating spreadsheets, charts, and graphs).
  • David Flores, Research Social Scientist

    Weather & Climate
    Front cover of Dr. David Flores Collector Card
    • Ph.D., University of Michigan
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A research social scientist studies the relationships between people and the environment.