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  • Nathan Havill, Molecular Ecologist

    Forests & PlantsInsects
    PDF preview of the front of Nathan Havill's collector card featuring Dr. Havill working at a microscope.
    • Ph.D., Yale University
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • As a molecular ecologist, I use genetic data to study how species interact, including how introduced species move around the world.
  • Laurel Haavik, Forest Entomologist

    Forests & PlantsInsects
    PDF preview of the front of Laurel Haavik's collector card featuring Dr. Haavik scraping bark from a tree trunk with an axe.
    • Ph.D., University of Arkansas
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A forest entomologist studies the habits of insects that live in forests.
  • Doug Booher, Ecologist, Entomologist, and Evolutionary Biologist

    PDF preview of Doug Booher's collector card featuring Dr. Booher in the field.
    • Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
    • USDA Forest Service scientist
    • As an ecologist and an entomologist, I study the functional importance native ants provide to ecosystems and the impacts invasive species have on native ant communities. As a taxonomist, I describe new ant species.
  • Emilee Poole, Entomologist

    PDF preview of the front of Emilee Poole's collector card showing Dr. Poole in a hard hat in the bucket of bucket truck high above the tree line.
    • Ph.D., University of Georgia
    • USDA Forest Service scientist
    • As an entomologist, I’m interested in the interactions between plants and insects. I study forest health by looking at native and invasive pests, their impact on our forests, and potential management strategies.
  • Paulette Ford, Research Ecologist

    FireForests & PlantsInsectsWildlife
    Front cover of Dr. Paulette Ford Collector Card
    • Ph.D., University of Arizona
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • An ecologist studies the relationships between living organisms and their environment.
  • Brian E. Dickerson, Wildlife Biologist

    Front cover of Brian E. Dickerson Collector Card
    • M.S., Texas State University
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A wildlife biologist studies wild animals in their habitats.  A wildlife biologist applies this knowledge to maintain populations of wild animals for future generations.
  • Wayne J. Arendt, Research Ornithologist

    Forests & PlantsInsectsWildlife
    Front cover of Dr. Wayne J. Arendt Collector Card
    • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • I study disturbance ecology, climate change, conservation and management of Neotropical resident and migratory bird communities, and invasive species.
  • Kathy Smith, Research Laboratory Technician

    Forests & PlantsInsects
    Front cover of Kathy Smith Collector card
    • M.S., University of Florida
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • As a laboratory technician, I use molecular biology techniques to study forest pests and pathogens, as well as, how trees defend themselves against these pests and pathogens.
  • Kenneth L. Clark, Research Forester

    FireForests & PlantsInsectsWater
    Front cover of Dr. Kenneth L. Clark Collector card
    • Ph.D., University of Florida
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A research forester studies forest composition, structure, and functioning, such as productivity and nutrient cycling.
  • Grizelle Gonzalez, Soil Ecologist

    Forests & PlantsInsectsSoil
    Front cover of Dr. Grizelle Gonzalez Collector Card
    • Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder
    • USDA Forest Service Scientist
    • A soil ecologist studies how living and nonliving factors (and their interactions) affect the functioning of the soil environment.