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Ph.D., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service I am a scientist working at the intersection of research and management, applying…
Upekala Wijayratne, Ecologist
Ph.D., Oregon State University USDA Forest Service I am a scientist working at the intersection of research and management, applying what we learn from research to land management.
M.Ed., Montana State University USDA Forest Service A conservation education specialist facilitates, leads, and provides support to the forest-wide conservation…
Teresa Wenum, Conservation Education Specialist
M.Ed., Montana State University USDA Forest Service A conservation education specialist facilitates, leads, and provides support to the forest-wide conservation education program. I work as part of a team with...
B.S., Cardinal Stritch University USDA Forest Service As a supervisory contract specialist and zone chief, I am part of a…
Shawn Lacina, Supervisory Contract Specialist & Zone Chief
B.S., Cardinal Stritch University USDA Forest Service As a supervisory contract specialist and zone chief, I am part of a leadership team that oversees all contracts for supplies, services, construction,...
B.A., University of Montana USDA Forest Service As a manager for a year-round visitor center, I create engaging programs and…
Sam Berglund, Visitor Center Manager
B.A., University of Montana USDA Forest Service As a manager for a year-round visitor center, I create engaging programs and educational opportunities as well as maintain a heavily used recreation...
B.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service A district ranger is a leader within the Forest Service and local communities…
Robert West, District Ranger
B.S., University of Idaho USDA Forest Service A district ranger is a leader within the Forest Service and local communities who is responsible for providing the goods and services that...
M.A., University of Illinois Chicago USDA Forest Service A Tribal relations specialist represents the Forest Service in dealing with Tribes,…
Melyssa Navis, Tribal Relations Specialist
M.A., University of Illinois Chicago USDA Forest Service A Tribal relations specialist represents the Forest Service in dealing with Tribes, ensuring the rights of Sovereign Indian Nations are fully respected...
B.A., Dartmouth College USDA Forest Service As a program specialist for the Indian Youth Service Corps (IYSC), I coordinate and…
LaTasha Wauneka, Program Specialist, Indian Youth Service Corps
B.A., Dartmouth College USDA Forest Service As a program specialist for the Indian Youth Service Corps (IYSC), I coordinate and facilitate workforce development opportunities for indigenous youth throughout Indian Country....
B.A., University of Nebraska Omaha USDA Forest Service I am an information assistant at the Hood River Ranger District. Along…
Victor Kikel, Information Assistant & Conservation Educator
B.A., University of Nebraska Omaha USDA Forest Service I am an information assistant at the Hood River Ranger District. Along with my customer service duties, I also provide conservation and...
M.S., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona USDA Forest Service As an environmental engineer, a typical day might include sampling potable…
Kevin Hernandez, Environmental Engineer
M.S., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona USDA Forest Service As an environmental engineer, a typical day might include sampling potable water systems, designing effective ways of disposing of wastewater, or...
M.A., University of Alaska, Fairbanks USDA Forest Service A geographic information systems (GIS) coordinator supports resource specialists and the public…
Kelsey Aho, Alaska Region GIS Coordinator
M.A., University of Alaska, Fairbanks USDA Forest Service A geographic information systems (GIS) coordinator supports resource specialists and the public in the use of geospatial technology such as maps and...