Author Archives: Syamon

  • Rosebushes with bright pink flowers planted in a flower bed.
    Today I needed a break. It was one of those days where I spent what seemed like forever glued to one spot, red eyes staring at my computer working hours upon hours on one project. I even spent extra ...

    Guest Blog: Exploring the Health Benefits of Nature

  • Profile image of Syamon, Forest Service Resource Assistant and Blog Writer for the Natural Inquirer


    Syamon is a Forest Service Resource Assistant and Blog Writer for the Natural Inquirer. She is a natural homebody who is embracing the journey of connecting to nature everywhere, even if it’s just in her backyard. Her blog is a collection of exciting stories that show that anyone can be adventurous and inspired by the outdoors. A Texan through and through, she loves an outdoor barbeque surrounded by family. When not outside, you may find her curled up in bed reading a good book or playing her Switch.