Learn more about bats, owls, prairie dogs, toads, fish, and more with a variety of Natural Inquirer resources. Browse by topic, grade band, and resource type.
Woodsy Owl would like you to meet Dr. Hoagland, a biological scientist and Tribal relations specialist at the Rocky Mountain…
Meet Dr. Hoagland! – Vol. 1 No. 11
Woodsy Owl would like you to meet Dr. Hoagland, a biological scientist and Tribal relations specialist at the Rocky Mountain Research Station, in “Meet Dr. Hoagland!” Learn about Dr. Hoagland’s…
The “Knock on Wood” monograph explores the relationship between carbon, fire, longleaf pine, and the red-cockaded woodpecker. Also learn about…
Knock on Wood – Vol. 1 No. 21
The “Knock on Wood” monograph explores the relationship between carbon, fire, longleaf pine, and the red-cockaded woodpecker. Also learn about the gopher tortoise!
Carbon is naturally stored in the environment. In fact, carbon is in every living thing. Some habitats are better at…
Logjams and Beaver Dams – Vol. 1 No. 18
Carbon is naturally stored in the environment. In fact, carbon is in every living thing. Some habitats are better at storing carbon and that impacts the entire carbon cycle. In…
The 6th monograph of the Time Warp series examines research on what barriers best protect quaking aspen from browsing ungulates.…
On The Fence (Time Warp Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 15
The 6th monograph of the Time Warp series examines research on what barriers best protect quaking aspen from browsing ungulates. This contemporary research piece is compared with a research article…
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Dr. Flitcroft – Vol. 1 No. 7
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Dr. Becky Flitcroft who studies Coho salmon.
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Dr. Flitcroft – Spanish
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Dr. Becky Flitcroft who studies Coho salmon.
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Dr. Ford – Vol. 1 No. 6
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Dr. Paulette Ford who studies prairie dogs and fire.
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Dr. Ford – Spanish
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Dr. Paulette Ford who studies prairie dogs and fire.
Learn about soils and the amount of salmon-derived nutrients (SDN) in Southeast Alaska! Salmon-derived nutrients are nutrients in the soils…
Food for the Soil – Vol. 1 No. 6
Learn about soils and the amount of salmon-derived nutrients (SDN) in Southeast Alaska! Salmon-derived nutrients are nutrients in the soils that are from decomposing salmon. The scientists looked at how…
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…
Meet Dr. Guo! – Vol. 1 No. 3
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet Dr. Qinfeng Guo who studies animals and their movement to…