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Meet Smokey Bear and some of the people who work with him to prevent human-caused wildfires! This Reader is written…
Meet Smokey Bear’s Team – Vol. 1 No. 12
Meet Smokey Bear and some of the people who work with him to prevent human-caused wildfires! This Reader is written for children from kindergarten through 2nd grade and includes colorful…
Learn about Smokey Bear’s work in wildfire prevention and meet some of the people who help him on his mission.…
Meet Smokey Bear’s Team
Learn about Smokey Bear’s work in wildfire prevention and meet some of the people who help him on his mission. Written for children from kindergarten through 2nd grade, “Meet Smokey... -
Choose one of Smokey Bear’s rules for fire prevention and illustrate it. You can send Smokey Bear your finished drawing…
Try This! – Meet Smokey Bear’s Team
Choose one of Smokey Bear’s rules for fire prevention and illustrate it. You can send Smokey Bear your finished drawing at Smokey Bear, Washington DC 20252. He has his own... -
Scientists have discovered a new ant species! We need your help naming it! Created with scientists from the Southern Research…
Activity – Feeling Antsy
Scientists have discovered a new ant species! We need your help naming it! Created with scientists from the Southern Research Station who discovered a new species of ant, this handout... -
Nathan Havill, Molecular Ecologist
Forests & PlantsInsects- Ph.D., Yale University
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- As a molecular ecologist, I use genetic data to study how species interact, including how introduced species move around the world.
- Ph.D., Yale University
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- As a molecular ecologist, I use genetic data to study how species interact, including how introduced species move around the world.
Laurel Haavik, Forest Entomologist
Forests & PlantsInsects- Ph.D., University of Arkansas
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- A forest entomologist studies the habits of insects that live in forests.
- Ph.D., University of Arkansas
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- A forest entomologist studies the habits of insects that live in forests.
Karen Dillman, Lichenologist
Forests & Plants- M.S., Arizona State University
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- A lichenologist is someone who studies lichens in their natural habitat. Lichens are made up of more than one organism, but the main partners are fungi and algae. The fungal partner is the body of the lichen we can see easily in nature, while the algal partner is hidden inside the fungal layers.
- M.S., Arizona State University
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- A lichenologist is someone who studies lichens in their natural habitat. Lichens are made up of more than one organism, but the main partners are fungi and algae. The fungal partner is the body of the lichen we can see easily in nature, while the algal partner is hidden inside the fungal layers.
Doug Booher, Ecologist, Entomologist, and Evolutionary Biologist
Insects- Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
- USDA Forest Service scientist
- As an ecologist and an entomologist, I study the functional importance native ants provide to ecosystems and the impacts invasive species have on native ant communities. As a taxonomist, I describe new ant species.
- Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
- USDA Forest Service scientist
- As an ecologist and an entomologist, I study the functional importance native ants provide to ecosystems and the impacts invasive species have on native ant communities. As a taxonomist, I describe new ant species.
Emilee Poole, Entomologist
Insects- Ph.D., University of Georgia
- USDA Forest Service scientist
- As an entomologist, I’m interested in the interactions between plants and insects. I study forest health by looking at native and invasive pests, their impact on our forests, and potential management strategies.
- Ph.D., University of Georgia
- USDA Forest Service scientist
- As an entomologist, I’m interested in the interactions between plants and insects. I study forest health by looking at native and invasive pests, their impact on our forests, and potential management strategies.
Monika Derrien, Social Scientist
Forests & Plants- Ph.D., University of Vermont
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- A social scientist studies interactions among individuals, groups, and societies.
- Ph.D., University of Vermont
- USDA Forest Service Scientist
- A social scientist studies interactions among individuals, groups, and societies.